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 13 results in yourPeople - Creatorsearch for"Dieric Bouts"Advanced Search
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Head of Christ. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
Virgin and Child, 1454-1553. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
Madonna and Child, c. 1465. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
Portrait of a Man, ca. 1470. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
Virgin and Child, ca. 1455-60. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
'The Madonna and Child', (1927).  Creator: Dieric Bouts.
'The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donors (The Donne Triptych)', c1478 (1927).  Creator: Dieric Bouts.
'The Entombment', 1450s. Artist: Dieric Bouts
'The Annunciation', 1465-1470. Artist: Dieric Bouts
'Mary and Child', c1465. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
'Virgin and Child', 15th Century. Creator: Dieric Bouts.
'Christ in the House of Simon', 1440's. Artist: Dieric Bouts
'The Virgin and Child with Saints', 1460's. Artist: Dieric Bouts